7.2 Fuel Dispenser Settings

1. Working Mode:

(1) Automatic control, ordinary refueling method, and direct refueling is allowed by inserting the card to lift the gun.
(2) For indoor control, the gun can be refueled only after the indoor (backstage) authorization (fixed/quantified). After selecting this option, you can right-click the oil gun and the authorization window will pop up.


2. Display mode: select according to the length type displayed on the screen.

3. Rounding:

(1) Off: The calculation of the decimal point uses the China Petroleum Chemical Industry algorithm. When two decimal places are retained, the third decimal place is not rounded up. E.g:
1.234 → 1.23

1.235 → 1.23

1.236 → 1.23

(2) On: The calculation of the decimal point uses the banker's algorithm, that is, rounding to five to even. E.g:
1.234 → 1.23 //Explanation: round up
1.235 → 1.24 //Explanation: 3 is odd, carry
1.245 → 1.24 //Explanation: 4 is an even number, no carry
1.236 → 1.24 //Explanation: six entries

4. Decimal length: Indicates how many decimal points are kept.

Dynamic password: 4 digits, the current time and minutes are reversed. For example, the current time is 12:34, then the password is 4321.